Patterns & Tutorials

I love to try out new patterns, don’t you? I can happily spend hours browsing through Pinterest trying to find the perfect pattern and often finding complete gems that I haven’t even been looking for! But at times I have an idea in my head and I can’t find anything that looks just how I want it to. At those times I have a go at making it up myself! Sometimes it’s a complete flop – I just can’t find the right combination of stitches that will turn my idea into reality. But at other times I surprise myself with success!

And I’d like to share those successes with you! So here are some patterns and tutorials I’ve developed, mostly making it up as I go along. Hopefully they make sense (it’s very different writing a pattern for someone else to follow!) but please get in touch if there’s something you’re not sure about and I’ll do my best to make things clearer.

These patterns are for personal use – make as many as you like for yourself or as gifts! If you’d like to share the pattern (e.g. on Facebook, Pinterest, your blog, etc.) please include a link back to the original.

And I’d love to see how your versions turn out! If you’re anything like me you’ll have adapted and put your own spin on the pattern, so it could end up looking really different! I’d love to see photos of your finished items.
