Our WiP-Along* theme of the week is inspiration, so here are a few of the things that inspire me and get those creative juices flowing…
I love having colourful things around me and really enjoy playing with different colour combinations. My yarn pegs are great when I’m planning out a new project, or even when I’m just a bit stuck for ideas. Sometimes I have a colour combination before I know how I’m going to use it! Other times I’ll have a pattern in mind and will play around with possible colours that will show off the best parts of that pattern. And even when I’m not actively using my yarn pegs, they’re usually somewhere close by just because I love seeing all those gorgeous colours together on display. The same goes for spare bits of yarn in jars…
I love going into actual yarn/fabric/haberdashery shops where I can squish the yarn, stroke the fabrics, gaze longingly at the colourful threads. I love seeing so much creative potential all in one place. This morning I was browsing through some fabrics when I came across some colours that would look great in a crochet blanket. Unfortunately, the nearest bricks and mortar shop isn’t very close so I don’t get to go all that often. But rummaging through the boxes of fabric in my craft room or squishing the (rather untidily arranged) yarn on my shelves had nearly the same effect, and can help me decide what I’m going to work on next.
I often find that I’m influenced by the seasons, preferring richer colours and thick, cosy textures in autumn and winter…
…with brighter colours and lighter textures in spring and summer.
Another resource I have close at hand is my vast array of crafty books. This is my sewing section – I have a whole other shelf of knitting and crochet books, not to mention books on paper craft and assorted other subjects. I love flicking through and looking at the gorgeous pictures. Sometimes that’s all I do. It’s enough to drink in the loveliness of someone else’s creativity. Sometimes I’ll work on a particular pattern from a book. And sometimes I’ll take elements of this pattern, colours from that project, plus added extras that I find around the house and make a mishmash creation that’s totally unique.
Online resources
Sometimes the books don’t have quite the right thing, so it’s great to have such vast resources available online! Pinterest and Ravelry are great for finding patterns, colour combinations, new stitches, new techniques… Many hours have been spent just scrolling through inspirational pictures!
Vintage items
I just love the sense of connecting with so many past generations as I sew or knit or crochet. And I especially love being able to use vintage tools that have a personal family connection. This sewing machine belonged to my Granny and I remember her teaching me how to use it sitting at her dining table. She inspired and encouraged me to be creative when I was young and having some of her crafty tools around me reminds me of her influence.
Crafty community

Hannah’s collage for #fofridaywal18
Of course, there are so many other people who inspire and influence me in my creativity. Whether it’s meeting a friend for coffee and crochet, spending a craft evening with a larger group or connecting with other like minded people online, I love talking about and sharing crafty experiences with others. It’s great to share the things we’ve learned, to find ways of overcoming problems, to motivate and encourage one another, to celebrate success and spark off new ideas. It would be incredibly difficult to be a line crafter! I’ve loved working on collaboration with a wonderful group of women to host the WiP-Along this month and have been so inspired by then and the many other people who have shared their work in our online community.
What inspires you in your creativity? Share your thoughts in the comments, or on Instagram with the hashtag #wal18collage_inspiration.
*Click the link for more information about the Marching Forward WiP-Along.